Annie France

Micro-festival Cultivating Humility | Kihkasik Anelsuwakon
nous colorons, nous soignons, nous régénérons, 2022
Installation: ash wood structure, plant-based dye on silk and cotton, dried plants, pinhole photographs
Annie France Leclerc’s relationship with plants is profoundly intimate, therapeutic, and infused with curiosity. She visits places where plants abound both to learn about them and to learn more about herself. Here, she creates a contemplative space that both offers knowledge about certain plants and encourages us to feel a relationship of equity with them. Using a bouquet made of “weeds” gathered during the end-of-season pruning done by the gardeners at the Jardin Daniel A. Séguin and tinctorial plants that she seeded in the garden, she dyed the silk and cotton that shelter us in the work. As she processes these plants, Leclerc always tries to be attentive to their agency, so that the results embody the potential of plants and testify to some of their perhaps subtler qualities. By printing pinhole photographs onto the fabrics, she also invests her own body in the work—a body in a posture of care that reminds us that knowledge of the properties and uses of plants is also manifested by a perceptual experience of them.

Annie France Leclerc was born in Sainte-Blandine, near Rimouski, in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region. She lives and works in Tiohtiá:ke/Mooniyang, the unceded territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg peoples, also known as Montréal. She grew up surrounded by the forest, which greatly influenced her relationship with the world. Drawn to ecofeminist thought and an ethics of care, Leclerc reflects on the intimate relations that humans form with nature. Her projects are deployed in image practices, installation, and performance. She has a degree in photography from Concordia University and is currently completing a master’s degree in visual and media arts at the Université du Québec à Montréal.
Annie France Leclerc, Installation view, Centre de diffusion et d’expérimentation de la maîtrise en arts visuels et médiatiques, UQAM, 2022
Annie France Leclerc, Bouquet from Jardin Daniel A. Séguin, tailles end-of-season cuttings, 2020
Annie France Leclerc, View of the studio table, 2022