Opening day

June 12, 2022
1:00–6:00 pm
Jardin Daniel A. Séguin
Food tasting by chef Lysanne O’Bomsawin, in the presence of the Chief of the Conseil des Abénakis d’Odanak, Richard O’Bomsawin
Free of charge
Come and meet the artists and curators of the 7th edition of the ORANGE triennial – Cultivating Humility | M8jagen piwihozw8gan.
1:00 pm
Vernissage at EXPRESSION
2:00 pm
Word of welcome
3:00 pm
Vernissage at Jardin Daniel A. Séguin
3:30 pm
Territorial acknowledgment and speeches
Shuttle bus from the Berri-UQAM station, Montréal
Departure: noon / Return: 7:00 pm
Shuttle bus from the Musée des Abénakis, Odanak
Departure noon / Return: 7:00 pm
Free of charge – Limited spaces for the shuttle buses